October Is Fire Prevention Month
/October is officially Fire Prevention Month. As your Port Angeles insurance agency, this is an issue that is very important to us! Unfortunately, we've seen clients suffer from home fires,
but there are things you can do to prepare now to prevent a disaster later.
Beyond basic fire prevention, like checking cords and not leaving a pot unattended on
the stove, there are several important things to do with your children or grandchildren to
make sure they're safe.
Make a Plan
First, create a plan. When children know what to expect, they can remain calm, even
during an emergency. Help your child know exactly what to do if a fire occurs.
Stress the importance of getting out of the house and to your family meeting spot. Choose an area a safe distance from the house where children should go if making a fire escape. It could be a street light, mailbox, or neighbor's tree.
What About Pets?
If you have pets, tell your kids that your pets will find their own way out safely and that
they should never go back to rescue the pet on their own.
As a family, go through each room of the house and discuss two different ways to get
out if a fire occurs. Let children practice opening a latch and unlocking doors too.
Now host a fire drill! Make the practice drills fun and informative. Create sample
scenarios and build up your kid's confidence. They'll be better prepared for a fire and
you will too!
When it comes to any sort of emergency situation, people are what matter most. Take
precautions to protect your loved ones and let your professional insurance agents at
Matt Elwood - Allstate Insurance take care of protecting your home and belongings! Call us at
360-452-9200 for a free quote on your Homeowner's Insurance today!