Create A Winter Weather Prep Kit

It’s the time of year for icy winter weather. And as your Port Angeles insurance agent, I have to share a few things to get you prepared before the winter storms hit!

First things first, you want to have the right supplies on hand. Create a basic
emergency kit that includes a battery powered radio and at least one week’s worth of
food and safety supplies. Also include:

Drinking Water
Canned/No-Cook Food
Non-Electric Can Opener
First Aid Kit
Prescription Medicine As Needed
Bag of Cat Litter or Sand to add traction on walkways
Battery Powered Lamps
Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm in working order

And what about when bad weather hits? Here are a few things to put on your winter
storm checklist:

• Leave water taps slightly open so they drip to prevent frozen pipes.
• Open kitchen cabinet doors under the sink to keep the pipes warm.
• Have an alternate heat source in case the power goes out. If you have a fireplace, make sure
you have plenty of dry firewood.

The most important thing you can do? Be prepared! A benefit to winter storms is that
you generally have plenty of warning that one is on the way. Don’t wait until the roads
are icy and dangerous. Get your supplies packed, your pipes protected, and a backup
plan in case of a power outage. And make sure that you have great Homeowners
Insurance! We can help with that. Call us for a free quote today at 360-452-9200.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Why Life Insurance Is The Perfect Gift

Have you started your holiday shopping this year?  Before long, people will be lining up in stores and placing their orders online.  It’s an annual shopping frenzy.

But have you stopped to think about what your family really needs this season?  

For many of my clients, it’s Life Insurance.  

Life Insurance is what protects your family if something were to happen to you or your spouse. Think about what you would want for your family in that situation.  Would you want your wife to be a stay at home mom?  Would you want your kid’s college education to be paid for?  Would you want your family to pay off the mortgage and be debt free?  

Life Insurance is about preparing for the unexpected and making sure your family is taken care of. It’s not a fun thing to think about for a lot of people, but it’s very important.

Many people avoid buying life insurance because they think it’s expensive.  But that couldn’t be farther from the truth!  In fact, life insurance is extremely affordable, especially for a young healthy family.

So before you stand in line buying coffee pots and crock pots this Christmas, stop and think about what is truly important.  Purchase life insurance and insure that your children will be taken care of for years to come.

Call me at 360-452-9200 today for a no-obligation life insurance quote from the Matt Elwood Allstate Agency.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


November Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep your Port Angeles home in tip-top shape all year long.  So here are a few tasks you can take on in November!

Maintain Large Appliances

Appliances are a big long-term investment!  That’s why it’s important to take good care of them all year long.  Your refrigerator is a great place to start.  Accumulating dust can make your fridge cooling system less efficient.  

To prevent trouble, regularly pull the fridge away from the wall and clean the condenser coils with a vacuum cleaner.  It’s also a good idea to dust and clean the front lower grille.  This five minute task can add years of service to your refrigerator!

Clean The Oven & Stove Drip Pans

Next move on to your stove.  It’s another appliance that needs a good regular cleaning to keep it working well.  Many ovens have a self cleaning feature that will do the hard work for you.  

The only problem?  It can take a while to run the cleaning feature and it usually smells pretty bad while it’s running. Save this task for a nice day and open up the windows to keep it well ventilated.  Check your stove manual for instructions and take a few minutes to clean the burners too.  

Have Problem Trees Trimmed

Cold weather has arrived on the Olympic Peninsula.  Have you noticed any large branches hanging over onto your roof?  Get them trimmed as soon as possible.  A good ice storm can cause branches to break onto your roof leading to more damage and insurance claims.  

Save on Home Insurance

Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your home and belongings.  To make sure you have the best coverage, call the Matt Elwood - Allstate Insurance Agency today at 360-452-9200 for a free, no obligation quote.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Preparing Your Port Angeles Home For Winter

With winter arriving soon, now is a great time to prepare your home for freezing temperatures. Use the checklist below to give you ideas for keeping warm, preventing fires, and saving money.

-Have your furnace inspected and serviced by a professional at least once a year.

-Have chimneys and vents cleaned and inspected.  (Built up creosote is the leading cause of chimney fires!)  

-Stock up on dry, seasoned wood for the fireplace or wood stove.  

-Check the condition of your fireplace screen.  Is it in good condition and secure?

-Get a covered metal container ready to dispose of cooled ashes.  (And keep it at least 10 feet from your home)

-Review fireplace safety with your kids!  

-Make sure all portable space heaters have an automatic shut-off and are kept at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn (like bedding).  

-Test all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.

Follow these tips and your home will be ready for winter and safe from fire hazards.  If you’re concerned about protecting your belongings, give us at the Elwood Allstate Agency a call at 360-452-9200 to review your home insurance policy today!


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Halloween Insurance Tips in Port Angeles

It's October and that means that Halloween is on it's way!  We love any excuse to celebrate, but Halloween is especially fun around the office. However, I wouldn't be a good insurance agent if I didn't give a few good liability tips too.

You've heard most Halloween advice over and over.

Pack a flashlight for when it gets dark.
Put reflective tape on children's costumes.
Check the kid's candy before letting them eat any.

But what about the risks at your home?

Your Homeowners Insurance covers you if someone is injured on your property. But
there are a few things you can do to prevent accidents before they happen!

1. Change your lightbulbs

Is your porch light burned out? What about lights along
pathways? Good lightning will help prevent children (and adults) from tripping.

2. Clear hazards

Tree limbs in your yard? A hole you've been meaning to fill? These
are all potential hazards that could cause an injury and subject you to a liability
claim. Clean them up before you have people trick-or-treating at your home!

3. No open flames

While candle filled pumpkins are fun to make, they can be
dangerous too. If you use any open flame candles, make sure they are up high and
away from any loose costume pieces.

And the easiest way to protect yourself? Make sure you have plenty of liability insurance! Call us today at 360-452-9200 to schedule a free review and detailed explanation of how we can keep your home and family protected.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


October Is Fire Prevention Month

October is officially Fire Prevention Month. As your Port Angeles insurance agency, this is an issue that is very important to us! Unfortunately, we've seen clients suffer from home fires,
but there are things you can do to prepare now to prevent a disaster later.

Beyond basic fire prevention, like checking cords and not leaving a pot unattended on
the stove, there are several important things to do with your children or grandchildren to
make sure they're safe.

Make a Plan

First, create a plan. When children know what to expect, they can remain calm, even
during an emergency. Help your child know exactly what to do if a fire occurs.

Stress the importance of getting out of the house and to your family meeting spot.  Choose an area a safe distance from the house where children should go if making a fire escape. It could be a street light, mailbox, or neighbor's tree.

What About Pets?

If you have pets, tell your kids that your pets will find their own way out safely and that
they should never go back to rescue the pet on their own.

As a family, go through each room of the house and discuss two different ways to get
out if a fire occurs. Let children practice opening a latch and unlocking doors too.


Now host a fire drill! Make the practice drills fun and informative. Create sample
scenarios and build up your kid's confidence. They'll be better prepared for a fire and
you will too!

When it comes to any sort of emergency situation, people are what matter most. Take
precautions to protect your loved ones and let your professional insurance agents at
Matt Elwood - Allstate Insurance take care of protecting your home and belongings! Call us at
360-452-9200 for a free quote on your Homeowner's Insurance today!


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.
