Your Choice Auto – Affordable Car Insurance by Allstate
/Your Choice Auto Car Insurance
Looking for a great car insurance policy that can be tailored to fit your needs in Port Angeles, Sequim or anywhere in Washington State? Give the Elwood Benefits Allstate Agency a call. We offer Allstate’s Your Choice Auto with great features such as Safe Driving Bonus, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards.
Safe Driving Bonus
How would you like to get a check back from Allstate for being a safe driver? With our Platinum Protection Package, this gives you the opportunity to earn up to a 5% credit that can be applied to your next renewal premium. This is in addition to any other discounts you may already qualify for.
Accident Forgiveness
Accidents happen, but with Accident Forgiveness by Allstate, your car insurance rates won’t go up just because of it. Some policies make you earn this feature over time, but with Your Choice Auto, this feature is available on day one. In our Gold program, this feature can be applied to one accident every three years. In our Platinum program, multiple accidents are forgiven.
Deductible Rewards
The longer you are with an insurance company, the better your rates should be. With Allstate’s Deductible Rewards, you receive an immediate $100 off your collision deductible. Each year you go without a collision accident, another $100 will be subtracted with a maximum $500 reward off your collision deductible. It pays to be with Allstate.
Allstate Value Plan
Are you on a budget, but still want quality car insurance at an affordable rate? The Allstate Value Plan is just that with strait forward coverage and the convenience of Allstate’s Easy Pay Plan. Bundle the Allstate Value Plan with your homeowners insurance and save even more.
Ready to get a quote or learn more? Contact us at 360-452-9200 or visit for more information.
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