Life Insurance Is For Those Who Depend On You

A lot of people put off purchasing life insurance because it seems like a hassle. You
don’t want to do any sort of medical appointment. It’s an extra expense. And, for the
most part, you just plain don’t want to think about death.

But life insurance isn't about you. It’s about the people you love.

Let's face it. You do a lot for your family and if you have family members who
depend on your income, then you need life insurance. And the sooner, the better.

For one, life insurance is cheaper when you are young and healthy. With each birthday
you’ll see your quote go up unless you lock in a great rate now. And you don’t want to
look for life insurance after you've been diagnosed with an illness.

Another great thing about life insurance is that there are a lot of options. And we’re here
to discuss all of them with you. You can purchase a policy for the short term or even as a
long term investment. It all depends on how much you can afford to spend and what your
family needs are.

Whatever your situation, sitting down and discussing your needs and budget with an
agent is a great first step. Call us today at 360-452-9200 to start the conversation. Or better yet, stop by and see us. We are located on Front Street in Port Angeles, next to Windermere Real Estate.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Port Angeles Renters Insurance

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Your neighbor's neglect could cost you!

A stove left on. A bathtub left running. If your neighbor's mayhem causes damage to your property, you could be the one paying for it out of pocket.

Renters insurance from Matt Elwood - Allstate Insurance can help protect you and your stuff for about $10-15 a month, or less when bundled with an Allstate auto insurance policy.

Renters insurance from Allstate provides coverage for personal belongings and valuables, liability protection if someone is injured at your place and additional living expense if a covered loss makes your home uninhabitable.

Be safe, not sorry. Call me today at 360-452-9200 for a conversation on how renters insurance can protect you from mayhem.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Ask Your Port Angeles Insurance Agent: Are Items In My Car Covered?

Any time there are property crimes in Port Angeles, I get asked the question - “Are my personal belongings covered if someone breaks into my car?”

Unfortunately, they typically are not covered. Your auto insurance covers your car
from damage and accidents, but not the items inside from theft.

But there are still ways to protect yourself. First, and most obvious, lock your doors! Thieves looking for a quick score are going around looking for unlocked doors for quick and easy access. Also, avoid keeping valuable items in your car in the first place. This includes things like your laptop, iPad, purse, etc.

If you’re out shopping at Swains or Safeway, keep your doors locked and put any items you must leave away in the trunk.

But this isn't always possible. This is why you  want to make sure you’re covered by carrying Renters or Homeowners Insurance for your personal belongings. 

These policies include a certain amount of coverage for property off premises. These are subject to your deductible so make sure to discuss with your agent to see what kind of coverage you have currently.

With a little bit of prevention and great insurance, you’ve won’t have to worry about
items being stolen from your car. Have questions? Give us a call to discuss them
anytime at 360-452-9200


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Ask Your Port Angeles Insurance Agent: What is Liability Insurance?

Have you ever looked at your car insurance policy and wondered just exactly what it is you
are paying for?

Everyone knows that they are legally required to carry liability insurance. But many
people don’t really understand what that means or how it works.

In simple terms, liability insurance pays to fix damage that you cause to someone else.

On your car insurance policy, this is split into three parts. Here is an example:

Bodily Injury: 100/300
Personal Property: 50

Let’s say that this was your coverage amount and you hit another car in an accident.

Your insurance would pay up to $100,000 per person for injuries up to a total cap of
$300,000. And it would pay up to $50,000 in property damage to fix the other car.

Remember, liability only covers the person that you hit. It doesn't cover your vehicle or
anyone inside your car.

There are many different amounts of liability coverage. We work directly with our
clients to determine how much you need. This will vary based on factors like how many
assets you have, your income, and home value.

Not having enough liability insurance is one of the biggest financial mistakes you can
make! Carrying only the Washington State minimum of 25/50/10 could leave you open to a
lawsuit. Think about those cars you've seen on the road worth easily over $40,000. If
you don’t have enough property damage coverage, then you are at risk.

There is also liability coverage on your homeowners or renters insurance. It pays if
someone is injured on your property due to your negligence. One common example is a
dog bite. This is another time when it’s good to have enough liability insurance!

Hopefully this clears up any questions you have about how liability insurance works. If
you need help determining the right amount of coverage for your family, give us a call at 360-452-9200 for a no obligation review.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Your Insurance Resolutions

2015 has arrived! And with it come resolutions and goals for a fresh start over the
coming months.

If one of your resolutions for this year was to get organized, then here are some tips on
how to get financially “fit” in 2015! At least as far as your insurance goes...

1. Set Up A Meeting With Us! Matt Elwood - Allstate Insurance

Each year, we like to do a policy review with every client.
We look at all of your policies and update your information. Insurance needs tend to
change with major life events so if you got married, had a baby, changed jobs, retired, or
anything else in 2014, you probably need a review. Many times you qualify for new
discounts or we can point out ways to help you save (like getting a multi-policy

We can schedule this meeting over the phone or in our Port Angeles office, whichever is easier. 

2. Get A Life Insurance Quote. 

For some reason, life insurance is one of those things that
gets neglected. People know deep down that they need it, but often never get around to
actually purchasing any.

Many times you can get a basic term life insurance policy for $30 a month or less.
(Depending on age and health status, it varies for everyone!)

3. Organize Your Insurance Documents. 

Keep a file with a copy of your current auto, home, and life policies in one easy-to-find place. When your renewal comes in the mail,
you can throw out the old copies. Some people also like to keep a copy of their life insurance with their attorney or in a fire safe. We can always help you get a copy if you need it.

4. Keep Current Proof of Insurance

Put a current insurance card in your glove box and throw out the five old ones that
are likely crumbled up in there. :)

That’s it! Take care of these items and you’re on your way to being organized and
properly covered in 2015!


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.


Pay Off Debt In 2015

With the New Year just around the corner, a lot of people are busy making those annual
goals and resolutions. And for many, improving their finances is at the top of the list.

Getting out of debt can be a big and almost overwhelming goal. It’s not a fast process
and it takes a lot of dedication, but it is worth it in the end!

So where do you begin?

First start by getting an accurate picture of where you stand. Gather up all of your
recent debt statements. This includes credit cards, car loans, student loans, any
personal loans or other big ticket items, and your mortgage.

Run your credit report. You can request a free copy every year at from all three credit bureaus. This is a great time to check
for any mistakes and make sure that every debt on your credit report is included in your

Make a debt payoff plan. Create a spreadsheet with all of your debt information.
Include the name of the debt, total balance, interest rate, and minimum payment.

The best method around for paying off debt efficiently is the debt snowball where you make minimum payments on all debts except your smallest debt, which you put all your extra money towards. Here’s the trick: Once you pay off your smallest debt, combine that payment with the second debt. Now you’re paying a lot more than the minimum and it just keeps growing as you go!

The Debt Snowball is a favorite of Dave Ramsey and Robert Kiyosaki, also known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Both provide insight to the method with their unique perspectives.

Look for ways to keep throwing money at your payoff. Sell unused items around the
house, have a yard sale, clip coupons, or get a part-time job. Just do whatever it takes
to keep your momentum up!

Get the whole family involved. Make getting out of debt a family goal! Put your payoff
on the fridge and count down. Let the kids help with the family budget. When everyone
understands what you’re working toward, they’ll be more likely to cooperate when the
budget is tight.

And how can you find a few extra dollars toward your debt payoff? Save on your
monthly insurance costs! We can help. Call us at 360-452-9200 for a quote on your auto, home and life insurance today.


Matt Elwood

Matt Elwood grew up in Port Angeles, graduating from the high school before moving south to attend Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. While earning his Business Administration he secured an internship at Northwestern Mutual and started his financial career. After graduating from Pepperdine, Matt built a successful Insurance practice in Los Angeles while earning his investment licenses. After a decade of being away from family, Matt decided to move back to Port Angeles and purchase his mother’s Agency. The Helen Elwood Insurance Agency has been an established Allstate agency in Port Angeles for many years. Matt purchased the business in January 2011 and renamed it Elwood Benefits. Matt is focused on growing the business which leaves him little time for anything else. When he does take a break you’ll find him enjoying his family or out on the golf course.
